N'Rougas Farm

Growing Lambs, Growing Grass 28 July 2022

We have had a successful lambing season, and are now waiting for our beautiful lambs to grow strong and healthy on the winter veld. We were very fortunate this year to get a winter rain. This gave our veld new life, and carries us through to the summer rains, when once again the growth will become abundant. 

With our regenerative farming method, as you know, our objective is to restore previously overgrazed lands.  A few weeks ago, Rohan, one of our shepherds told me he had a surprise for me.  We went together to one of the farm camps, called “Yspomp”.  There before my eyes was a sea of knee height “Sweet Grass” (Bushman grass). It is the grass we aim to have the farm covered with. It is a perennial grass that the sheep love to eat.  Many hectares of the farm are covered with the “Suur Gras”, an annual that can feed the sheep when it is young and green. It doesn’t take long for it to become dry and non-nutrious. By increasing the sweet grasses  we can slowly eliminate this suurgras. 

“Yspomp” camp is a shining example of exceptional shepherding work. Slowly but surely we believe we will have results that indicate the benefits of shepherding and regenerative farming techniques. Once again, our custodians on N’Rougas, the shepherds, are out in the veld everyday, taking the utmost care of the health of the land, and the health of the sheep. 

The product your receive each time from us, is a product that is gently nurtured and feeds off the veld, and at the same time as they work their way through the farm they do the work that is vital to restore the vegetation and soil health. 

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