As holistic farmers – part and parcel of regenerative farming – we are very reluctant to spray poison on our farm to kill locusts. It is however a government regulation that we do! We were advised that using our flock of sheep to trample them would work. We were excited to try, and can report great success with this method! However it is a plague of tremendous proportion this year and we couldn’t stem the flow. The locust have crawled in their millions through our farm and eaten so much of our beautiful grass that we were so hungry for after 7 years of a very harsh drought. Its is a difficult sight to behold. There seems to be little research that explores the benefits of a plague of locusts to the land. In fact – what is the purpose of locusts? What we can see is that our veld is absolutely covered with their dung, and many many dry grass stalks lie on the ground. This creates excellent mulch and fertiliser for our next rains – so what next? A very very strong wish for more summer rain – our grass will then recover quickly and we will be back on track! Our amazing N’Rougas team remains optimistic in their endeavour to work with nature in the most positive way possible! Your support means so much to us.