N'Rougas Farm

Regenerative Practices and Training 10 May 2022

There is a rumbling of excitement in the ranks of the N’Rougas team. About one week ago the President of Agri Northern Cape was interviewed on OFM. He had recently visited the Herding Academy near  Graaff-Reinet  

 He came back inspired by their regenerative farming practices and training. Well done to the Herding Academy. Slowly but surely they are spreading the word and the value of regenerative farming in arid areas as well as areas with more rainfall.  If there are more Northern Cape farmers that are willing to try the regenerative practices we might slowly be able to change the way the area is farmed. Moving away from the practices that suited our grand and great grandfathers, and use the more holistic approach developed by Allan Savory. There is more and more awareness around the world of the importance of hoof action on the soil, controlled grazing, and the restoration of grasses that have long since begun to disappear.  And through all of this, carbon sequestration, hoping that we have time to restore our land with the respect it deserves. 

The sheep are on the farm are looking beautiful and strong. They are in a period we call ‘flushing’ where we rest them as they prepare for the lambing season in September. We were delighted the other day when a surprise lamb was born. A rogue ram presented himself to her before he should have! The mother and lamb are nonetheless both doing well, healthy and strong. We are all very much looking forward to the season ahead. 

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